Landscape Photography Presets


17 lightroom classic presets for landscapes.

These presets will help you edit more quickly and also to learn from reverse engineering them. They provide a good base for editing are what I use on my own images.

These are the presets I use to process my own work which I have developed over the last few years.

There are a total of 17 presets that work in a variety of conditions.

I have used these prests on fuji, canon, nikon and sony files with no issues. When you download this file you will get a zip file with 17 presets in total.

NOTE: It is also vital you experiment with temperature and exposure and contrast. Big changes to colour temperature can have a huge impact on how well the presets work.

Further adjustments are always needed to suit each individual image. These presets work the best for landscape photography and are not suitable for other genres of photography.

These presets only work with Lightroom Classic.

This product is for personal use only, you may not sell or in anyway redistribute this product.

To install please refer to adobe documentation or search various installation tutorials online.

No refunds/transfers or exchanges.

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